Calm, Connected & Powerful: 3 Fundamental Shifts you Need to Thrive

unmet needs May 05, 2020

There are 3 fundamental shifts you need to make to emerge from this global pandemic feeling calm, connected, and powerful.

Hi, I’m James Mayfield-Smith. I’m a Somatic BreakThrough Facilitator. I use body-based wisdom tools to facilitate powerful, emotionally nourishing BreakThrough moments in the lives of my clients. 

 And yes, I’m talking about those earth-shattering, life-changing, bawling your eyes out, come to Goddess moments that re-define who we are at depth. That’s the sandbox I play in.

 I lead people through structured processes that create profound, positive shifts in their lives.

I guide clients through a series of Somatic BreakThrough Journeys that hone in on the most fundamental inner conflicts within you. I guide you thorough a process to heal the social conditioning of your culture, the emotional wounds of your childhood, and the traumas stored in your central nervous system. This process fundamentally rearranges the landscape of your inner world.

 When you go through these interactive guided journeys, you free up new inner resources to emerge and become available to us.

This is the territory where BreakThrough moments dwell. And it’s been my special focus for the past 12 years working with my BreakThrough clients.

I’ve facilitated and held space for over a thousand BreakThrough moments with individual clients and with my transformational retreat participants, apprenticeship program members, shamanic breathwork events, and online courses. I live deep in this work. 

An essential core truth I’ve learned can be boiled down to this: 


The most common bottlenecks 

to our evolution 

as co-creators of our lives

happens when we have unmet needs 

for Safety,


or Power.


These are required emotional needs for all human beings and when they go even partially unmet, we create coping mechanisms and defense patterns that become the core problems in our lives. I know this because I’ve seen the same patterns emerge in five year olds, teenagers, adults, and clients in their nineties. 

 When we feel unsafe, we become anxious, overwhelmed, or controlling. 

When we feel disconnected, we become needy and unfulfilled or isolated and lonely.

 When we feel disempowered, we lose confidence and play small or seek external validation instead of serving our mission powerfully in the world.


What the world needs now is YOU, all of you, aligned towards a purpose and sharing your medicine. 

Unmet needs for Safety, Connection, and Power get in the way.

I have a reliable method for addressing these blocks.

I’m on a mission to help as many people as possible to feel safe, connected, and powerful.  If you join me, I’ll teach you how to use these BreakThrough tools to find your calm, your connection, and your power. This will allow you to finally begin to serve your mission in a bigger way in your life.

I host a free BreakThrough Circle once or twice each month. The themes vary from month to month, but they always use various BreakThrough tools to cultivate BreakThrough moments around various unmet needs that cause suffering.

Join us on for our next  BreakThrough Circle to learn more about these 3 essential human needs and the 3 shifts you must make before you can step into your true potential.

We generally have a brief talky section and then quickly drop into an experiential activity…often a bedrock process for inner clarity that I call Somatic BreakThrough Dialogue, where we use the power of breathwork, focused attention, body awareness, and a type of somatic questioning to gain clarity from your inner wisdom about an area of your life needing attention.

These are usually either 60 or 90 min sessions. We end on time. There's often an option to stay on for an additional 30 min afterward to experience or witness deeper individual work or to learn more about how to receive a free one-on-one web-based facilitated "Clarify your Next BreakThrough" session (for those who have not already received a free BreakThrough session).

Learn more here:  Upcoming Events

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