8th Annual


Gift of the Wildman

July 22-24, 2022
In the Appalachian Mountains near Asheville, NC





Enter Your Email to Learn More


  • The most exciting and transformative men's adventure on the planet, led by a unique team of experienced facilitators
  • Powerful, engaging Earth/Air/Fire/Water Wildman Initiatory Journeys designed to get you deeply connected, confident, and self-expressed
  • An opportunity to reset and re-energize so you can bring your unique flavor of healthy masculine leadership, which is desperately needed in the world right now
  • Outdoors, in the woods, in your own tent, where you can choose your own level of physical distancing or connection

Cultivate a CONNECTED and EMPOWERED Life!

Watch our 6 min video introducing the Wildman Gathering


Enter your Email to Liberate your Healthy Wildman Energy

  Space is limited!

Register to attend the Wildman Gathering

Enroll Now

The Wildman Gathering Includes 4 Intense, Experiential Initiatory Journeys that Cultivate: 

Fun, Playful Movement

Healthy Masculinity

Emotional Well-Being



Personal Power

 Schedule a Free 25 min Phone Call with James to discuss the Wildman Gathering

Choose a Time

Wildman BreakThrough Journey Packages

Choose from the options below or click the link above to schedule a FREE consultation with James to help you choose the best package for your needs:

Each package Includes:

* A ticket to theJuly 22-24, 2022 Wildman Gathering near Asheville, NC

The most powerful and fun Men's Initiatory weekend on the planet!

* Web-Based Pre-Gathering Small Group BreakThrough Session

* Web-based Post-Gathering Small Group Integration Session


Plus 3.75% Fee= $638 total)

Join us!


Per Month for 5 months

Meet your Budget!

Not Ready Yet? Save your spot with a $100 Deposit!

Save your place for the Aug 2022 Wildman Gathering, Wildman online course, or Wildman Individual BreakThrough Coaching program. Pay $100 now and decide which program is best for your needs later, after discussing your options more fully with James.

Watch this 3 minute video to hear from men in our amazing community

This was filmed right after a previous Wildman Gathering...so you get to hear from participants about their individual experiences


Important July 2022 Dates for Men Registered for James' Wildman Gathering and Wildman BreakThrough programs: 


NOW:  Enrollment is open for the Wildman Breakthrough Individual Coaching Program (For men looking for emotional healing around their safety, connection, or power. Contact James for details)

July 2022 Date TBD at 7-8pm CT/8-9pm ET:  Optional pre-Gathering BreakThrough Clarification session and community support

Tues July 19-Thur July 21, 2022 at 7am:  For KC area men...Optional carpools and caravans leave from Kansas City for drive to Asheville, NC

Fri July 22-Sun July 24, 2022:  Wildman Gathering near Asheville, NC

Mon July 25, 2022:  Optional Wildman Rafting or Caving adventure near Asheville, NC ($135 additional cost)

Sun July 24-Mon July 25, 2022:  Optional carpools and caravans leave for return trip to Kansas City

Late July.Early Aug TBD 2022 at 7pm CT/8pm ET:  Optional post-Gathering Integration session and community support

The Healthy Wildman

The healthy Wildman is a powerful, healing archetypal energy that a man has access to when he feels at his best. For his Wildman energy to become accessible, a man needs 3 essential things: 




This Wildman work creates safety, connection, and empowerment so that you can access the healing energy of your inner Wildman.

A man in touch with his Wildman is deeply connected to nature and to himself.

He belongs in this world and he knows it in his bones.

He feels safe.

He feels connected to Mother Earth, to other men, to women, and most of all, to himself.

This brings him great courage.

This alignment allows him to show up in an authentic way, with his full power and sovereignty.

And this brings him great freedom.

Why Gather with other Wildmen?


You can access your Wildman in nature, with a safe, healthy community of brothers. By experiencing peak physiological states of connection and empowerment through initiations of earth, air, fire, and water, we cultivate non-ordinary states of consciousness that connect us back to the earth and to ourselves.


It's a playful, fun way to recover your sovereignty and connect to a place within you that is already healed. When you learn how to presence yourself from this healthy masculine, rather than from the wounded masculine or the limits of your conditioning, your options expand. Such work brings tremendous personal power that we can use to say no to the things that don't serve us and to instead live a life that is meaningful for our unique path.


The 8th Annual Wildman Gathering: Gift of the Wildman provides a set of intense initiatory experiences designed to get men CONNECTED and EMPOWERED. This unique, one-of-a-kind offering is not available anywhere else on the planet. It is the result of many decades of intense inner work and facilitation training from a deeply bonded group of powerful men's work leaders and facilitators.  


It really is possible to heal the cultural conditioning and personal family wounds that keep you feeling disconnected and disempowered, so that you can begin to give your full gifts to the world.


This work accomplishes that.

Your Guide for this Journey is 

James Mayfield Smith

BreakThrough Coach.  Facilitator.  Adventurer.

James Mayfield Smith is a highly-trained Somatic BreakThrough Coach and the founder of BreakThroughCircle.com. James has participated in advanced-level men's work for the past 15 years, has led over 49 transformation-focused retreats in the US and abroad and has personally facilitated over a thousand clients to transform key emotional dynamics in their lives.

James discovered the healing power of men's work and inner work facilitation during a time of deep grief and shame in his own life. He's spent over 20 years of serious inner work healing the anxiety, insecurity, loneliness, abuse, trauma, and negative conditioning of his childhood and teenage years. These tools changed his experience of himself at depth. He now moves through life with curiosity, aliveness, and a more embodied sense of connection and empowerment of his unique gifts. James facilitates men and women through their own initiatory journeys of connection and empowerment.

James has a 30 year old son and a 19 year old daughter and is deeply committed to helping the world become a safer and more magically adventurous place for them and for all men, women, boys, and girls...one BreakThrough Moment at a time. His work lives this mission.

James is a pioneer in harnessing mythic, imaginal, shamanic, somatic, and bio-energetic tools to shift one's inner landscape in ways that change the experience of outer circumstances. His specialty is working with a client’s central nervous system and somatic wisdom to cultivate a BreakThrough Moment, because experiencing a BreakThrough is the most rapid and powerful way to shift a life-long pattern. A gifted facilitator, James provides his genius for supporting and guiding you closer to yourself so that you can discover your deep truths and fuel your mission of  self-expression and service in the world.



You will also be guided by the leadership of two other highly experienced Wildman Facilitators.

These 3 Brothers are Shield-Mates...

a Powerful King-Warrior,

a Wise Elder Grandfather Shaman,

and a playful Lover-Magician Storyteller...

These men carry deep love and respect for one another, for the earth, and for you.

They invite you into their wild, playful circle of healing and liberation.

Come free your inner Wildman!

Jeremy Schewe

Botanist, Celtic Druid, Founder of Ecobot App for Environmental Scientists

Jeremy is a natural-born leader. He leads with powerful, playful, King-Warrior energy. His deep integrity, passion, and aliveness inspires men to step forward in service. Guided by his close kinship with Mother Earth, he creates opportunities for us to access states of deep connection with the earth, with our brothers, and with our tribe of conscious men.

Grandfather Mowgli

Shamanic Counselor & Founder of Stillpoint Center for the Healing Arts

Grandfather Mowgli has been a shamanic practitioner and facilitator for over 30 years. He is the real deal. He leads with playful wise Elder energy as he guides us into non-ordinary states of consciousness. This allows us to connect deeply with the Wildman within so we can live in harmony with our true nature.

James Mayfield Smith

Adventurer, Somatic Emotional Healing Coach, Founder of BreakThrough Circle

James leads with playful Magician energy as he weaves a mythic tale throughout the weekend that mirrors and deepens each initiation. His blend of myth, magic, structured process tools, and playful imagination brings fun, adventure, and powerful BreakThrough moments to the Wildman Gathering.

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