Somatic Journeys for Emotional Healing & Nervous System Integration:
Group Program & Individual Coaching
w/ James Mayfield Smith (& support from Elena & Amy)
FREE First Thursdays via zoom. Dec 7, 2023 & Jan 4, 2024. Noon-2:30pm ET. Session will be recorded for sharing publicly.
Third Thursdays via Zoom. Dec 21, 2023 & Jan 18, 2024. Noon-2:30pm ET. $50 or $95, depending on option. No recording or public sharing.
* Join now *
Join James & Amy, along with their special guests & other amazing humans for facilitated SOMATIC JOURNEYS & structured BREAKTHROUGH PROCESSES
Discover Practices to:
- HEAR the Subtle (& Not-so-Subtle) Messages of your Body
- Find CLARITY from Within
- Alleviate ANXIETY
- Nurture Inner SAFETY & CALM
- Cultivate Authentic PERSONAL POWER
These tools work!
They've changed our lives and the lives of our community members...the healers, sensitives, seekers, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, and cultural pioneers that are drawn to this work. We're grateful for the opportunity to share them with you in community.
Who are you beyond the emotional challenges you're now facing?
A lot of us still live inside emotional challenges that are outdated.
Likely, we've made strides in several areas of our lives already. Yet there's often that one persistent struggle that continues to overshadow our progress, preventing us from experiencing the quality of life we truly deserve. And that one pesky issue robs us of the quality of life we could have if we could just move past it.
We've likely tried numerous strategies, some of which offered temporary relief, but somehow we find ourselves getting stuck again and again. We might even have a clear understanding of what needs to be done, yet we become our own worst enemy when it comes to this particular issue. The contrasting energy within us just can't seem to align with what's best for our well-being, leaving us feeling afraid that we may never reach our full potential.
But truthfully...
it's not our fault!
We can't resolve our core life wounds through willpower alone. We're dealing with unconscious forces that reside within our nervous system. We need to get below our conscious awareness to reach them.
This is where somatic-based modalities come into play. Body-based tools are able to reach these emotional issues that live within the body and nervous system.
When we combine a somatic approach with natural altered states journey work (we use breathwork to get there), we create an optimal environment for emotional healing. We can unlock benefits similar to those offered by plant medicines, without subjecting ourselves to their potentially adverse effects.
Add some highly effective shadow work processes, structured BreakThrough tools, a shamanic initiatory lens and some skillful facilitation magic to the inquiry...and we find ourselves starting to feel very
James is a seasoned Somatic BreakThrough Coach who has facilitated BreakThroughs since 2006. His expertise lies in helping people FIND, FEEL & HEAL from a range of life struggles through somatic and emotional healing techniques.
Curious? To learn more or to experience the magic firsthand, come check out what we're up to!
*Join now*What are the journey sessions like?
The innovative format is designed to cultivate somatic & emotional breakthrough moments, while working in a trauma-informed way that honors the human nervous system.
In practice, it looks like a highly-interactive 2 1/2 hour zoom call with a strong community support orientation and a focus on gathering and clarifying new inner wisdom from the unconscious, which is stored in your body.
A typical session
An example of a typical session...
James & Amy open the circle with a welcome to those new to our community. We introduce ourselves & somatic emotional healing & then we begin establishing a safe, supportive container for the group.
Next, we each have the option to introduce ourselves, share our motivation for joining, the area we wish to work on & any specific questions we have about somatic practices or emotional healing work.
We wrap up introductions with any observations of themes emerging from the group. We have a meta-conversation about the intentions set and the journey arc (or arcs) that could get us there.
Natural altered states work
Next, we introduce natural altered states work, provide recommendations for safety & insights on how to optimize the experience for personal healing & growth.
We introduce Somatic BreakThrough Dialogue & and other essential processes.
Then we begin our descent into journey space. We utilize specific breathwork patterns designed to:
a) magnify your perceptual sensitivity of your internal experience
b) induce a natural mild altered state that is optimal for emotional healing work
This 25-35 min guided somatic journey takes you into the slow-motion felt sense of your body. The sensations you feel become the entry point into the wisdom of your body. It's a literal doorway to a journey space within you.
* SAFETY: Two min of the breathwork protocol includes an upregulated (fast & intense) breath. It's designed to increase blood flow & to allow any suppressed feelings of flee, freeze & fight already in your nervous system to become more accessible to feel, understand & release. If you have heart issues or past trauma that you fear arising, reach out to James beforehand for specific instructions in how to safely adapt the breath for your situation.
Somatic work
Once in the journeyspace, we map out your somatic landscape with a Vipassana body scan...noting all the sensations you can sense and feel. These become very important as the journey progresses.
Once you've mapped the sensations of your internal landscape, we "activate" your nervous system with thoughts on topics that are core to your goals, especially your fears & frustrations. These thoughts tend to cause a cascade of sensations to arise in you, correlated to each issue:
- You ponder that one problem and you feel a literal pain in your neck or a heaviness in your shoulders
- You think about your boss & immediately you feel frozen, with a block in your throat and a fear of being unable to speak clearly
- You dwell on that embarassing moment & feel heat arising in your chest and a feeling of wanting to hide
- You consider your next career move & feel a cold, heavy dread in your lower belly
The breathwork & body scan literally supercharge your interoceptive skills, making it much easier to FEEL the subtle wisdom of your nervous system.
Most humans carry our unresolved distress & our deep wisdom in our nervous our BODY.
Once you find the specific body parts & sensations that arise from certain thoughts, then we can attune to the sensations & use this channel for inner dialogue.
We can literally chat with the inner parts of you that think & feel in certain ways relevant to your issue.
Much can be accomplished in this empowered space
It's a potent crossroads where magic can happen on the emotional plane:
- You can find deep wisdom & clarity from your unconscious. It shows up often during journeys.
- You can feel the hurts & stresses held in the body in ways that release them. These commonly avoided sensations contain messages of wisdom that we can integrate, which helps release the tension and promote emotional flow.
- You can somatically explore the mind-emotion-body connection in real time.
- You can listen to & dialogue with a variety of powerful energies (critical voice, hurt child, angry teen, hurt lover) in surprisingly effective and healing ways.
- You can release stuck, stagnant energy. You will literally move energy in your body in somatically more intelligent ways that are deeply nourishing and healthy.
- You can release old stories and affirm new ways of seeing and being in the world.
We conclude the guided journey and offer an opportunity to share our experiences, either in a 1-on-1 breakout room or as a small group.
1-on-1 somatic facilitation
or live demo deep dive
Sometimes, we do a second, more precisely attuned journey with brief individual facilitation for each participant (30 minutes)
- Using the clarity gained from the first journey, we refine our focus and our questioning during a second round of the journey. Typically, this second round is more powerful than the first, because it's far more attuned.
Other times, James will provide a live demonstration of going deeper with one person with individual facilitation. (30 minutes)
- Some people like to watch and take notes. Others prefer to go into their own side journey experience.
We follow up with an interactive discussion, allowing opportunity to share experiences and insights at your own comfort level.
- We offer opportunities to explore impact of the work, immediate applications, and next steps.
- In a breakout room, we get to connect with one another 1-on-1, to discuss the work's impact and share how we can immediately incorporate it into our lives.
- Our checkout round involves insights & appreciations before closing of the journey session container.
We heal at depth from the inside out. These sessions go profound & deep, while also keeping a spirit of playful fun & caring encouragement. If you're looking for a life-affirming healing community, you've found it.
Join us for an exploration of self-discovery and growth!
You have 3 options!
On the FIRST Thursday of each month, we offer an entirely free session so that those who are unable to afford this work can participate. It's part of our commitment to making somatic journeys & emotional healing accessible to anyone who seeks healing. It's also a great option for newbies to somatic healing work who are curious but not sure if it's for them.
The catch is that we record the session and part or all of it will be utilized for a training program and posted publicly on social for others to learn about this kind of work.
If you wouldn't go onto a reality show and share about your emotional life, then this is NOT the right option for you. Check out below for affordable options that offer privacy. That said, if you attend and something too vulnerable for you comes up, you can request that portion to be edited out. We don't want to put anything out into the world that causes your heart to clench. This free ticket grants you everything that the $50 option below offers, without the privacy. For specific details about the session, see the description below under "Affordable w/ Privacy."
Free ticketAffordable w/ privacy
Participant ($50): This ticket grants you access to our THIRD Thursday private interactive group somatic training. This includes guided breathwork journeys into slightly altered states of consciousness that are ideal for emotional healing. We also include group discussions, live somatic facilitation demos, and engaging breakout rooms where you can connect with fellow participants one-on-one for conversations about the work. This option offers an affordable path for the curious newbie to somatic healing work. Join us to gain cutting-edge tools for emotional healing.
$50 ticketMost impactful
This option is limited to just ONE or TWO people per session.
Individually Facilitated ($95): This ticket includes all the benefits of a THIRD Thursday Participant ticket, along with a dedicated 25 minute individual somatic facilitation session. During this time, you'll receive focused guidance from James while others bear witness to your personal exploration or embark on their own inner side journeys. Choose this option if you have a specific inquiry you would like to delve into with James' experienced facilitation.
$95 ticketDo you prefer the privacy
& rapid progress
of individual journey sessions?
One-on-One facilitation: $100 intro session
If you prefer 1-to-1 work, you can work with James directly. Most of James' clients' choose individual sessions because they seek a more private and focused environment for their inner work.
This 85 min full session offers ONE Powerful 1-on-1 BreakThrough Facilitation session via zoom or phone. You get individual support from a skilled Somatic BreakThrough Facilitator with precise facilitation focused on your specific needs.
Any stress & trauma you hold in your body takes up space within you and this literally narrows the channel that allows your full expression to shine forth. Precise somatic facilitation gets to the root of these stresses, traumas and places where you tense up from life. Good facilitation engages these stress points in ways that cultivate deep healing. When you do this work, you leave feeling lighter, more free & more like the YOU that you know is possible.
Limit one reduced-price “Somatic BreakThrough Dialogue Journey” intro per person. If you've already had an intro session, please see the options below.
One-on-One facilitation
This 85 min session ($198 per hour) offers ONE Powerful 1-on-1 BreakThrough Facilitation session via zoom or phone per month. This is a monthly recurring subscription, which reduces accounting tasks.
No contract. Cancel anytime. Never lose a session. Always get what you pay for.
Individual Sessions feature guided journey work, nervous system integration, inner child healing, mother wound/father wound healing, core wound work, emotional healing of fear, anger, grief & shame, inner safety cultivation (to reduce anxiety & overwhelm), inner power development, deep insight training, authentic relating tools and conflict resolution for relationships & navigating life transitions gracefully...All gently facilitated to your specific needs.
You can reach out to James or Elena for assistance making the best choice for you and your situation.
Elena Lake
James Mayfield Smith
Somatic BreakThrough Coach
Text: 816. 645. 2600

Meet James
James' extensive training, caring heart, curious mind, deep creativity, and playful spirit enable him to facilitate deep and lasting change in people's lives.
James' early life experiences of physical abuse, emotional neglect, social anxiety, experiences with bullies, teen pregnancy, and relational trauma...and his journey of healing...make him ideally suited for this work. An early mid-life crisis (17 years ago, in his early thirties) and a year of deep grief & healing required him to seek out support to go deep to resolve his unmet emotional needs. Somatic work changed him at depth. At 50, he's now living his purpose offering these tools to others seeking emotional healing so that they, too, can offer their gifts to the world in a way that's aligned to their inner wisdom.
Meet Elena
Elena is our social media strategist and community member. Elena has used somatic nervous system regulation tools for the past 2 1/2 years to transform her own nervous system regulation and attachment patterns. She's an MIT-grad turned Esalen-trained bodyworker who understands the heavy toll that stress takes on bodies and spirits. Encouraged by the success she's found with these tools, she is an advocate for this work. Elena offers massage, nervous system support & emotional replenishment for clients in the SF Bay area (and occasionally in Asheville & NYC). Learn more about Elena at

Meet Amy
Amy is our FB Platform Manager, community member & enthusiastic evangelist. Amy has used Somatic Breathwork Dialogue, Inner Child Work & other BreakThrough tools for the past 5 years. Her soul journey has led her to service as a life guide & coach, as a sound healer and facilitator of journeys & retreats, as the podcast co-host of Magical Mystical Journeys & most recently, as co-author of Find Your Wings, a book of inspirational stories to uncover your calling. live your purpose & share your light with the world. Find her at